Get Paid To Use The Products You Are Already Purchasing Daily!

Publish Date: 03-01-2018 21:07:35 | Contact name: Priscilla Barnes-Davis | Location: USA | 17128 times displayed |

At Youngevity, we are “Category-Creators” with some of

the most healthy, delicious, and innovative products in the

entire Network Marketing industry. Not only do we have products

for EVERYONE, but we have a core group of 90 essential nutrients

that has the greatest positive effect in bringing vibrant health to the

human body.

Check out our tour HERE

Did you know that only 8-12% of the typical nutritional supplements,

available today are actually absorbed by your body? That means that

approximately 90% of typical supplements are flushed down the drain.

Youngevity’s supplements are 90-98% absorbable! Why is there such

a difference? The secret is our exclusive source of plant-derived minerals

that dramatically increase bioavailability. We combine superior raw materials

with state-of-the-art processing and production, so it’s no wonder that Youngevity

products get you results.

Your body needs 90 essential nutrients:

True health and wellness is only possible if it radiates from a solid, fundamentally-sound center. There is a core group of 90 essential nutrients that have the greatest positive effect in bringing vibrant health to the human body’s complex and multi-dimensional systems.

Get optimal health and wellness today:

By getting started with Youngevity, you can immediately build a successful business utilizing

some of our unmatched and unique products. With over 5,000 life-changing products available backed by clinical studies, research, and “Top” health professionals - you couldn’t pick a better time to get involved!

Contact Priscilla Barnes-Davis: Get Paid To Use The Products You Are Already Purchasing Daily!

Phone: 4843661560





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